Partners Of NCEEER

Since it was created in 1978, NCEEER has built a network of ties to institutions both in the United States and abroad that enables it to serve the needs of the Eurasian and East European studies community. The most long-standing part of this network consists of the more than two-hundred American universities and other institutions at which NCEEER has sponsored research.

In recent years, NCEEER has made strides to expand its presence in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In early 1999, NCEEER opened a field office in Moscow. Since then, it has built a "virtual field office" network, by concluding fee-for-service agreements with a number organizations that maintain their own field offices in the region. Through this network, NCEEER has the ability to provide the scholars it funds access to important services in almost every country of the region. NCEEER has also been pursuing partnerships, as well as informal ties, with institutions in the former Soviet Union and central and Eastern Europe, in order to promote collaboration between American researchers and their colleagues from the region.

Finally, an extremely important part of this network is NCEEER's institutional partnership with the American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS. The two organizations have combined forces to jointly administer the NEH Collaborative Humanities Research Fellowship. In addition, through the American Councils, NCEEER has gained access to an unparalleled field office infrastructure in the former Soviet Union.

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